The Avoca Males
The Avoca Males
The most exciting part of working in the 'Sabi Sands' was the lack of fences on our boundaries. The reserve bordered on the Kruger National Park creating a huge biosphere for animals to roam.
The two Avoca males came from the Timbavati region of the Kruger National Park, 100kms away from andBeyond Kirkman's Kamp. They split from a group of five young male lions, and moved much further south with the reserve compared to their three slightly younger brothers.
They eventually took over the Sand River pride, and settled between our concession and the Kruger. They took over territory which once belonged to a coalition of five formidable lions, the Mantimahle males, however, they provided us with far more regular sightings and helped bring our resident pride back from the edge of extinction.

Brothers in black and white
Brothers in black and white
Ozymandias II
Ozymandias II
The Wall
The Wall
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