The Schotia female leopard: mother of the Ndzilo female; Msuthu female; and Hanyile male. She is arguably one of the most successful mothers on the concession. Most of her cubs were sired by the Xovonekela male. She did, however, mate with other leopards which unfortunately lead to a few years of her suffering the infanticidal pressures of Xovonekela; as he disposed of cubs which were not unequivocally his.
Again raising the point that the wild is a very difficult place to raise one's cubs, but she managed to, time and again.

This is probably an all time favourite for me - for a few reasons.
Firstly: Richard, a tracker I was working with at the time, pulled off an insane spot; seeing a leopard's tail hanging out of a tree about 200 yards away.
Upon arriving at the scene we realised it was the Schotia female with her newest cub, and they were feeding on the remains of an impala kill.
Secondly, they were in a massive Leadwood tree (Combretum imberbe) which is not usually a tree that leopards utilize. They generally prefer trees with softer bark such as Marulas or Jackalberry trees.
Finally, this moment: she glanced up at an approaching hyena, but framed herself perfectly in my camera with the greens of the trees, and the blue of the sky; perfectly balanced behind her.
Sentience is described as the ability to feel, perceive or experience things subjectively. Animals are governed by natural instincts which have been curated over millennia of evolution through natural selection, but the term "instincts" often implies a certain lack of emotionality and subjectivity.
This image makes me feel the exact opposite: pure sentience.

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